- Name: Edward Fortey
- Company & Position: Rush Distribution, Company Director
- SIA Board Position: President
- Years in the Australian Snowsports Industry: 32
- Your Favourite Resort: All of them
- First snow memory: Snow-spotting on our way to our family ski holidays.
- First Snowsports Industry Job: Ski technician
- Favourite thing about the snow industry: like-minded people and Apres!!
- What drives your passion for the snow industry:
- Name: Matty Myhill
- Company & Position: Smith Optics – Senior Regional Manager Asia-Pacific
- SIA Board Position: Director
- Years in the Australian Snowsports Industry: 19
- Your Favourite Resort: Falls Creek (I’m bias, it was ‘home’ for 8 seasons)
- First snow memory: Sliding down the tiny hill from the Falls Creek aqueduct to Lakeside Lodge on a toboggan when I was barely old enough to go to ski school.
- First Snowsports Industry Job: Rental tech @ Base Mountain Sports in Beaver Creek 2003/04
- Favourite thing about the snow industry: The people, culture, lifestyle, and SKIING (sorry, that was 6 words)
- What drives your passion for the snow industry: My undying love for skiing and product, the nostalgia of all the amazing times I’ve had on snow/in the mountains, the anticipation of all the amazing times to come, working to facilitate these experiences for other people through the Smith brand, and the incredible culture and people I get to work with both internally and externally.
- Name: Mark Bristow
- Company & Position: Blacklight Distribution- Director/Owner
- SIA Board Position: Director
- Years in the Australian Snowsports Industry: 32
- Your Favourite Resort: Any resort is Aus is awesome when I’m riding or skiing with family or crew. But a soft spot for Buller.
- First snow memory:
- First Snowsports Industry Job: Ski instructor at Mt Buller, then retail in a Melbourne ski shop
- Favourite thing about the snow industry: People, community, travel and our very unique snow industry.
- What drives your passion for the snow industry: The people in our industry is what makes it unique.
We are driven by the mountains and being able to share that everyday. No matter what part you take in it, we all have a love for the snow and the mountains.
- Name: Andy Boydell
- Company & Position: Sportrade Pty Ltd – Director
- SIA Board Position: Director
- Years in the Australian Snowsports Industry: 16 years in wholesale, 18 years Ski patrol (volunteer Perisher)
- Your Favourite Resort: Perisher (grown up skiing there and ski patrolling)
- First snow memory: As a 10 year old – Walking from Perisher car park at night, with with skis and clothing for a week skiing up to our ski club near Pretty Valley through 60cm of fresh snow, no roads groomed and dragging ourselves up the hill.
- First Snowsports Industry Job: Sales Manager Skins
- Favourite thing about the snow industry: Delivering great memories.
- What drives your passion for the snow industry: Being able to improve on the enjoyment of skiing. Always the best place to be.
- Name: JP Thomas
- Company & Position: Jandy’s Innovative Sports & Pure Brandz: Owner
- SIA Board Position: Director
- Years in the Australian Snowsports Industry: 40 years
- Your Favourite Resort: All Australian resorts
- First snow memory: KT22 run Squaw Valley
- First Snowsports Industry Job: Wannabe designer @Casa Alpina
- Favourite thing about the snow industry: Comradery & Riding, Travel far. Live Pure.
- What drives your passion for the snow industry: The challenge of designing snow apparel for all shapes & sizes & keeping it sustainable.
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